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Calf Starter

Calf Starter is a molassed, protein mix, formulated as a follow-on diet to accompany liquid milk feeding. The combination of a protein and cereal energy mix and straw encourage early rumen development and growth rate, producing a calf well suited to utilising pasture at any early age. Bovatec is include as a coccidiostat to provide freedom from Coccidiosis and to enhance overall nutrient availability to maximise growth rates. Yea-Sacc is added to this diet to enhance nutrient digestibility to help rumen development and pasture adaption.

INGREDIENTS: Barley, Peas, Maize, Soya Bean Meal (48% protein), Salt, DCP 22/18 ,Limestone, Live Yeast, Bovatec 20CC (Coccidiostat), Trace Minerals and Vitamins, Molasses.


Calf starter does not contain protein of ruminant origin.



DE Energy                    13.0 MJ/kg

Protein                          18.0% 

Fibre                               12.5%

Fat                                   4.0% 

Salt                                  1.0%


FEEDING RECOMMENDATIONS: Offer Calf Starter ‘ad-lib’, increasing quantities to 1kg per day. Weaning can commence when 1kg of Calf Starter is consumed daily for three consecutive days. To maximise growth rates continue feeding either Calf Starter or Calf Grower to 10 weeks of age at 1 – 2 kg per day. Allow free access to feed, ensuring stale or uneaten meal is removed daily and that access to straw is available at all times to encourage early rumen development. Water should be freely available.


WARNING: Calf Starter contains Coccidiostat. DO NOT FEED TO DOGS OR HORSES


Store in a Cool Dry Place. Available in polypropylene sacks – Net Weight 25kg. Bovatec 20CC is registered pursuant to the AVCM Act 1997 A09679

Calf Feed Types: Text

Calf Grower

Calf Grower is a standard protein meal formulated as a follow-on diet to Calf Starter for intensive calf rearing systems. Calf Grower is an excellent supplement to offer weaner calves at pasture. Ingredients have been selected for palatability and their protein and energy qualities to contribute to growth rate and rumen development. Bovatec is available as a coccidiostat to provide freedom from Coccidious and to enhance overall nutrient availability and growth rate.


INGREDIENTS: Barley, Peas, Soya Bean Meal (48% protein), Salt, DCP 22/18, Limestone, Live Yeast, Bovatec 20CC (Coccidiostat), Trace Minerals and Vitamins, Molasses.

Calf Grower does not contain protein of ruminant origin.



DE Energy                      11.35 MJ/kg

Protein                            15.0% 

Fat                                     3.6% 

Fat                                     4.0% 

Salt                                    1.0% 



To maximize growth rates after weaning, feed Calf Grower at 1-2 kg per day. Allow free access to feed, ensuring stale or uneaten meal is removed daily and that access to straw is available at all times to encourage early rumen development. Water should be freely available.




Store in a Cool Dry Place. Available in polypropylene sacks – Net Weight 20kg.

Bovatec 20CC is registered pursuant to the AVCM Act 1997 A09679

Calf Feed Types: Text
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