Old Mill Chick Starter
A complete feed formula for pullet chicks being reared for table egg production.
High protein and energy levels designed to ensure strong growth rate and feather development.
Contains the essential minerals and vitamins to satisfy the requirements of that stage.
Medicated feed: This feed contains a coccidiostat as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis
CP 19%
Fat 5.0%
Fibre 6.0%
Salt 2.0%
FEED RECOMMENDATIONS: Feed ad lib as the sole diet to pullet chicks to eight weeks of age. Then change to Old Mill Pullet Grower until point of lay.
Clean, fresh water to always be available.
WARNING: This product contains a coccidiostat. Do not feed to dogs or horses. Do not feed other bird species.
SGT Dans Layer Pellets
A complete nutritional pellet for good quality egg production.
An adapted formulation of protein and energy ingredients to maximise the production of home produced fresh eggs.
Laying hens require a balance of protein, energy, minerals and vitamins to ensure production of good size and number, yolk colour and strong shells.
Layer Pellets
CP 16%
Fibre 3.5%
Fat 4.0%
Salt 2.0%
Peak Lay
CP 18%
Fibre 3.0%
Fat 4.0%
Salt 2.0%
Feed at the rate of 120-140 grams per day. If layer pellets is to be mixed with other feeds, ensure that oyster shell or other calcium sources are available.
Clean, fresh water to be available at all times
Old Mill Pullet Grower
Healthy young chooks, the ideal food when pullets are being reared for table egg production.
A formulation with the essential nutrients of protein, energy and minerals in readiness for a healthy, productive laying life.
Pullet Grower is a complete food formulated as the following on feed to Weston Stockfeed ChickStarter.
Poultry Grower
CP 16%
Fat 3.0%
Fibre 4.0%
Salt 1.0%
Feed ad lib as the sole diet from eight weeks of age to point of lay, then change to Sgt Dan Layer Pellets.
Clean fresh water to be available at all times.